Tolion is a huge fat black man with a huge dick and gets tons of bitches
Big black guy with a huge dick and gets tons of bitches
Look there's tolion
He has a huge dick
Brayam is a guy with one ear and a HUGE NOSE!! He is really funny and gets no bitches
Bro brayam walked past me and I couldn't breathe
Really tall light skin with a small penis who is spoiled rich by his mom and thinks he's so cool but is gonna grow up to be a broke bum
kendryk is a super tall man with a huge dick, gets all the bitches, and is super smart
Damn kendryk is so cute
Look at kendryk, I heard he has a HUGE dick!
kendryk is a super tall man with a huge dick, gets all the bitches, and is super smart
Damn kendryk is so cute
Look at kendryk, I heard he has a HUGE dick!