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Marxist Bernie losers

Anyone who voted for, and got behind that Marxist pig who hates millionaires but ironically is one?

The Marxist Bernie losers are at it again hacking the urban dictionary accounts that make fun of their loser hero millionaire Bernie sanders!

by Nanker Phelge April 4, 2020

15👍 4👎



Prejudice against White people, or hostility toward, hatred of, stemming from Envy, Jealousy, or Bigotry.

The NAACP will use its ANTIWHITEISM platform to vilify the White Race with every given opportunity.

by Nanker Phelge May 24, 2023

42👍 20👎

Black Fragility


Discomfort and defensiveness on the part of some black people who live in a predominantly White culture due to fixating on long since past injustices which they never experienced (and weren't experienced by anyone in their family alive today) causing them to imagine racism where none exists, and pine away for living in a culture that is predominantly black instead.

Black fragility is one of the reasons that black privilege now exists in American culture.

I have seen that Mark Dice has exposed the reasons for black fragility in one of his YouTube videos. Doing so with precise and in depth reporting from "just a guy in his kitchen with a laptop".

by Nanker Phelge January 6, 2024

black fragility


Discomfort and defensiveness on the part of some Black people who live in a predominantly White Culture due to fixating on long since past injustices which they never experienced (and weren't experienced by anyone in their family alive today) causing them to imagine racism where none exists, and pine away for living in a culture that is predominantly Black instead.

Black fragility has caused black privilege that now exists in modern America.

by Nanker Phelge January 8, 2024


When black or other non-White People who live in a predominantly White Culture feel envious of the society because their ancestors lacked the skills, knowledge, or possessions of others in a dominant culture, often resulting in resentment and demands for reparations instead of accepting personal responsibility for their own situations and working to improve their lives though hard work, discipline, and other ethical means of achieving success and happiness.

1.) Sometimes the minorities on air opinion hosts at CNN really show their White-Envy to the viewing audience.
2.) My neighbor to the left of me has just informed me during our recent conversation that the black family that just moved into the neighborhood has White~Envy over something as trivial as the black guy's yard isn't as big as his yard. And that must be because he is a White man.

by Nanker Phelge January 8, 2024

old shitbag

An elderly homeless person that reeks of shit stained underwear.

The old shitbag must of slept on our back porch again because it now smells like a filthy outhouse again.

by Nanker Phelge May 26, 2021

Pinko Commie

A person that holds no traditional American values. While not being a devout card carrying communist, but more Marxist or Socialist leaning. Therefore that’s the reason for the Pinko name. Red is traditionally the colors of communism and pink is a lighter shade of red. Hence the pinko commie name.

Hey Lenny, what’s going on over at the student Union tonight? I heard the pinko commies were having a protest outside the campus, Because of the university police department cracking down on the BLM militant groups on campus.

by Nanker Phelge July 17, 2023