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1). A person that sucks at life and pretty much everyting else.

2). An Object of extreme dislike, or extreme awesomeness.

~ "Boon" can be used in many ways. For example, just plain, boon, booning, booner, and many more. Such as, booned, boonified, or, boonificated.

~ Many people tend to believe that "Boon" is just a common re-word of the more popular internet term "nooB", but on the contary, "Boon" was actually in the book, way back when cavement invented the first video games with puppets made out of feces, bones, sticks, and other materials, which were then used to re-inact ideas that the cave people thought up in their primative brains.

~ The act of "Booning" is actualy what is believed by christians from the bible to have brought the immaginary being "Jesus Christ" into existence when Mother Mary was "Booned in the Booner" By an angel.

Man you are such a boon..
im going to boon you in the rectum!
look at that boon!
lets go boon killing!
Im going to boon her face off tonight!
What the BOON man, what the boon.
DUDE look at that MASSIVE BOON!
I Hate Boons..

I just Booned that Boon in the Booning Booner mother Booner. BOON YEAH!

by Nathandavidandalex June 19, 2008

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