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Biased information used to control emotions and behavior. It can take the form of, but is not limited to: Written words, public speaking, testimonials, scripted broadcasts both live-action and animated, pictures, and music.

Cult leaders use propaganda to control their followers.

by Nekaterasemandoogehtlla June 16, 2021

245👍 3👎


To get a person or group to believe things without the use of their critical and independent thinking skills.

The Heaven's Gate cult was brainwashed into believing they could transform into extraterrestrial beings.

by Nekaterasemandoogehtlla June 12, 2021

224👍 1👎


A cult (also referred to as a high control or high demand group) is any organization whose leadership uses mind control on its followers. This applies regardless of the organization's size, beliefs, practices, tax-exempt status, or where its members live and work. Cults can be religious or secular. Cult leadership can consist of one person, two people, or multiple people.

I was raised in a cult. Mind control and brainwashing are the exact same thing: The crippling of independent and critical thinking skills through indoctrination.

The more you learn about cults, the less likely you are to be victimized by one. Please Google the BITE Model for a better understanding of how mind control works. There is a lot to learn about this subject, and the BITE Model is a great starting point. Educate yourself and fight against psychological manipulation.

by Nekaterasemandoogehtlla September 3, 2021

208👍 8👎