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acronym for Must Be Nice = MBN

First heard in Sydney Australias Star City Casino. Commonly used by Bananas in the poker room.

Star City poker croupiers have started using MBN in their everyday vocabulary. First started by Nelson 'LUKBOX' Lah.

Usually said sarcasticly.

Example 1:

*pre flop action* call call call raise reraise flatcall pushes all in call call call all in call all in. all ins called. 10 million dollar pot. flop A,H Q,H 2,H. turn A,D. river. 10,H.

Player 1: 2,D 2,S
Player 2: A,S A,C
Player 3: K,H J,H

the rest of the players: "must be nice to flop a set" "must be nice to turn quads" "must be nice to fill up a boat on the turn" "must be nice to river a royaly" "must be nice to have 53 outs and not hit"

Example 2:

Croupier 1: must be nice to have last break
Croupier 2: must be nice to be static bonus
Croupier 3: must be nice to get shafted

by NelsonLah January 28, 2011

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