Biggererer than 4ever, and biggerer than 5ever.
"I'll love you 6ever"
"Lol cyool"
Suspicious, but more... "lit". Used as a replacement for suspicious such as when a friend is being awfully quiet.
"Ay yo dad"
"Ya, Chad?"
"Brad's being awfully quiet today isnt he"
"Ya he is"
"He's acting pretty sus dad"
2954👍 517👎
A video meme that consists of a man jumping up and down/side to side shouting "AW SHIT, A RAT!!!" and consistantly trying to kill it
Use "AW SHIT, A RAT!!!" whenever you want
18👍 1👎
The successor of Joergen I. Joergen I tragically died cuz of the dumby dumb members of the Bro Army.
Joergen II tragically died because of Pewds' curiosity. All Pewds wanted was for Joergen II to have fun in the minecart. RIP Joergen II. There currently is no Joergen III.
"Everywhere I go I see his face. I really miss JOERGEN II"
20👍 1👎