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A disgusting, offensive, and extremely derogatory word equivalent to the word Nigger to Anime and Manga fans. It is a word usually punishable via Castration or Boiling in extra hot oil testicles first. It has since even lost it's original definition, and is often misspelled weaboo by ignorant idiots who just want to make themselves look cool and be derogatory and hateful towards others.

The original definition is/was anyone who isn't from Japan whom is so obsessed with it's culture that it gets to the point where it's all they think and talk about. They usually (but not always) Cosplay, attend Anime Conventions, try to speak Japanese even though they're not Japanese, and own tons of Anime Blurays/Manga and their rooms look like they haven't gotten laid in 20 years.

Nothing wrong with this, imho but that's what the word means. If you're going to use such a disgusting and derogatory word, at least make sure you fully understand it's definition,spell it right, and GET A FUCKING LIFE! The socially acceptable non derogatory word form for this is Otaku or Anime Nerd.

How's it's used today:

Anybody who watches Anime or reads Manga or even likes anything out of the ordinary is a weeaboo or Japanophile. Even if they only watch it for entertainment and don't overly obsess about it. Or sometimes, they're called a weeaboo and don't even watch Anime or read Manga. Go Figure.

Person 1: Weaboo!
Person 2: Call me a Weeaboo one more fucking time... and it's spelled Weeaboo by the way.
Person 1: Weaboo!
Person 2,3,4,5,6,7,8: *Beats the shit out of Person 1*

by NeostarCM January 5, 2014

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