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To twirl one's toupee on a fingertip.

Origin: MadLibs + Sugar + Boring class

There is a rumor going around that my neighbor likes to twaddle his toupee.

by Nerd Girl March 18, 2008

23👍 38👎



To hit in the head any amount of times with a wadded up paper ball covered with duct tape.

Different forms: fong (the act of fonging), fonged (the act of fonging in the past), Fongler (one who fongs), Fongling Ball (the wadded up paper ball covered with duct tape that is used in the act of fonging), fongled (the term used by a person to describe the instance in which he or she was fonged), The Fongled (those who have been fonged.

Origins: Variation of the "Fong" in a Knight's Tale.

I will fong you!

Different forms: I will fong you! I fonged him yesterday! You are such a Fongler! I found the Fongling Ball! I have been fongled! They are of the Fongled.

by Nerd Girl March 18, 2008

49👍 73👎