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CH also known as Canuckle Head, is a particular troll within the online role-play community who seems to have no life of his own other than trying to pull one over on others online. He seems to suffer from mental illness, perhaps even bi-polar disorder; as he has frequently demonstrated abrupt bouts of anger of the simplest of things. CH is also a compulsive liar, and will manipulate those gullible enough to believe his lies in order to gain sympathy. Besides being a compulsive liar, he is also a compulsive pervert, who has no sense of personal boundaries and will lewdly pursue any female that catches his eye to the near point of being a pest, and when turned down thus makes the woman in question out to be the bad-guy.

"Oh god, you're being a real CH right now"

by NessaCat April 12, 2013

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