1. Council House Associated Vermin
2. A group of slow witted humans who thrive off Fags and Cheap jewelery.
3. Can be seen in your local town centre/ sreet corner in groups between 4-25.
The female parters of the chav are known as chavettes/whores/suts/orange and they are normally dragging along chavlings (small children old enough to be their younger siblings nether mind their children) and they usually wear tracksuits they got form a dingy market stall and have earings large enough that the moon could fit through with grace.
the chav (male) is normally very skinny... and if they are muscley (very rare) then they are normally on steroids.
they have the brain and emotional capacity of a tea spoon and they originated from the townie which are likes chavs but less violent/socially acceptable... but unfortunately they died out in the late nineties/ early 2000's
chavs like to pick on people who are not physically strong but they "hunt" in packs as to provide back up if they need it. if i chav is on his own he will not even look at a passer by in the wrong way because he knows that he is too weak without his friends holding down his victim.
they are associated with council houses and live off money earned by tax payers.
the chav is considered one of the lowest forms of human life and if you ask most british people even a chavs mother they will agree that the best course of action is to push them all of a very high cliff... when the tide is out so that you can see them hit the rocks at the bottom..
4. a chav has very limited vocabulary the most common words used are;
1. "hey what does chav stand for"
"its stands for council house associated vermin"
2. "chavs are such dumb asses they can't tell the difference between piss and lambrini"
3. " those chavs are ruining my shopping trip they keep standing by the designer shops "window shopping" "
4. "init mush i just banged that kid"
roughly translated into our language it means "hello my fellow companen i just beat up that child"
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