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1) A franchise, money-making machine based on god's word, the Bible.

Religious cults like Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, etc. each claim that god's word, which Bible is, belongs exclusively to them and their what they claim "god", when in reality re-ligious god is not different from an idol, material doll without any spiritual meaning. Word "religion" translated from Latin, literally means re-ligion, "upside down spirituality".

2) An institute of brainwashing and establishing control over the people. It's done by projecting slave-master relationship and strict power hierarchy, like god is ABOVE and people are his _slaves_. When in reality god is unknown. Unfathomable. He is NOT person or human-like. So it's not even "he". Somehow from this idea it's projected that even nominally government _serves_ the people, somehow government is corrupt and above people in reality, and that's totally fine, BECAUSE this is how GOD is.

That's why it's so important to support one-god religions and claim that religions with more than one god are outdated.

1) Example:
- Hey, I want to make some money off people's fear of their inadequacy media instills in them.
- Why don't you invest in a Church, this business is greatly supported by the government in any country as it supplements the propaganda.

2) Example:

- Hey, do you go to Church?
- Of course I do, it makes me feel good feeding my trauma-bond it constantly deepens making me feel guilty and forgiven by the government at the same time.

by Nikita1998 June 18, 2022


A set of made up stories compiled together to help brainwash majority of people. The _official_ method of producing such set is _speculation_. (source: Wikipedia). People who are capable to analyze material facts using cause-and-effect reasoning are kept away from compiling and presenting such sets. They are either lured into "exact" sciences such as physics, math, etc or made outcasts by the school system.
Nevertheless, history as a discipline seems like important for keeping the society to look civilized. At least on the surface. At least, in theory.

- According to history, Lincoln is credited with 1865 emancipation as the event exclusive to the USA and Lincoln's genius. Do you know when Russia emancipated its slaves?
- 1861, but it's not related.


- In 2022, in South Carolina they still teach their own history where Linkoln is an antagonist

Ex3: - It's well-known that history repeats itself.
- Well, that just means we can create alternative reality by telling people how we think they should have acted in the past.

(by the way Juneteenth, the official holiday, is celebrated each year because slaves technically were emancipated in 1863)

by Nikita1998 June 29, 2022


Anybody who is convinced that to kill random people in revenge is a good idea; especially if this confidence is instilled into them by terror.

Not to be confused with the "soldiers" who are _authorized_ to do the same by a corrupted government.

- Hey, we found Quran!
- What is Quran?
- It's a translated open-source Bible.
- Where?
- On a back seat of a car.
- These terrorists have to pay! Let's burn another random country!

by Nikita1998 June 18, 2022