Creepy-chan, also known as Cute-chan, Tussin-chan and Alli, is a non-self-posting camgirl. She first appeared on /b/ in late 2005 under the name Tussin-chan, a reference to her tripped-out appearance. She was later renamed Creepy-chan when more pictures of her were posted and it became apparant that her distinctive appearance was mostly caused by a prediliction towards heavy eye makeup and her signature wide-eyed stare. Creepy-chan was one of thirteen contestants on the most recent cycle of America's Next Top Model, which premiered on February 25th.2 She placed second as runner-up to the winner, Teyona.
The artist was originally recruited by a casting agent who had discovered her online.3 On the show, she was frequently noted for her large, distinctive eyes. She befriended fellow contestant Celia, who was eliminated before the finale episode.
Did you see that Creepy Chan made it in the top 2 on ANTM??
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