A meme without words or one that doesn't say anything
Somebody should make a pantomeme about the Trump Russia Collusion.
When your posted comment gets edited by a moderator
Jim: Hey wait a minute, that's not the comment I posted, someone changed it!
John: LOL you got moderaped!
The skidding sound that is made when you are riding a skateboard and your wheel gets stopped by a pebble, usually sending you flying.
Tony was ripping on the sidewalk when he went flying and landed on his ass. I didn't see it, but I heard a pebble fart right before it happened.
The imaginary stalkers you may see or hear after consuming large quantities of cocaine or methamphetamine. They sometimes appear sitting in a car outside your house, standing behind a bush, or can be heard walking on the roof of your house.
John was convinced the cops were outside his house but turns out he just had a case of the coonkikes.
An appetizer a dog eats from the toilet
Fido! Get out of the bathroom and don't you be bringing me any brownsnacks!