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An old controlling bully. Queen of the bullies. It's their way or no way. Trantrums frequently by stomping all over people with their Jurassic like mangled bird feet, sharpened toenails for scratching the eyes out of others, spitting their obnoxious venom loudly and demolishing anything in its path with their wrinkly aged spotted low hanging balls.

Person 1: Did you read about Alan Jones latest rant threatening to have her job if he didn't get his way?
Person 2: Yeah. What a giant cuntasaurus!

by Ninjaella October 7, 2018

2👍 1👎

Project Manager

A job role. The role is to ensure project is delivered on time, By on time, this means in half the time that is needed to complete all tasks and with half the necessary staff. This role is highly sought after by people that love using meaningless buzz words to hide the fact that don't understand any words said to them in meetings. They will often been seen looking dazed and confused at their computers after spending 9 hours sending meeting requests, rescheduling meetings, going to meetings, holding "catch ups" after meetings in which you need to explain to them what happened in the last meeting and stalking you when your not in meetings with them. They think all other staff are magicians and can't understand why the status update has not changed from yesterday because they forgot you were in meetings with them all day. They live in an imaginary world where they think they understand concepts are likeable by many and think everyone has shit phones because no one answers their calls. Generally they are the root cause of all mental health issues 8n the modern workplace and will go their entire working career oblivious to the fact everyone thinks they are giant cuntasauruses.

"who moved that date forward 4 weeks?"..."the project manager said you could still get it done"..."FFS, I need a mental health day"

by Ninjaella September 13, 2018

2👍 1👎