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Bull-Dike from Germany with more testosterone than a body builder on steroids. Has psudo-adam's apple. Attempts to write a Kingdom Hearts fanfic but fails at it about as hard as she does passing as a woman. Likes to troll in #Nipponsei and dish it out, but cannot take it in. Bulldike Bull-Dike Yuritale Troll

Person 1: ZOMG did you see that dude???
Person 2: What dude, that was a Bull-Dike?
Person 3: No Man....That was a Fairytale

by Nipponlesbos September 1, 2008

15👍 21👎


Bull-Dike from Germany with more testosterone than a body builder on steroids. Has psudo-adam's apple. Attempts to write a Kingdom Hearts fanfic but fails at it about as hard as she does passing as a woman. Likes to troll in #Nipponsei and dish it out, but cannot take it in. Bulldike Bull-Dike Yuritale Troll

Person 1: ZOMG did you see that dude???
Person 2: What dude, that was a Bull-Dike?
Person 3: No Man....I think I sort of saw an Adam's Apple...That was a Fairytale

by Nipponlesbos September 1, 2008

5👍 9👎