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Cape Cod Academy (CCA)

A school in Cape Cod. We are taught a lot of things that most other schools aren't. Most people here are smart. No, our sports DON'T suck. Not all of us are what ALL of you think: "Preppy, rich, jerks who don't care about anyone's feelings." Although, few might be like that. But how is that any different compared to other schools? We might be higher-classed but that's not a reason to hate us. We don't ACT like we are better than everyone. Just because our school has a high tuition doesn't mean that everyone here is spoiled and rich. Many people are here on scholarships and don't have a lot of money. Also, not ALL of us are preppy. We basically HAVE to be preppy because we have a dress code! It is not our choice. I don't think anyone wants to dress in collared shirts everyday. Talk about boring.

Overall, CCA has its ups and downs. It is a normal school just like any other (Well except, we probably have higher academic standards).

So there you go people. STOP HATING! (It just shows how bored you are with your own dumb lives)

Does it REALLY bother you that we are able to afford Juicy Couture? I mean, come ON. How lame is that?

No jealousy...

LAME people.

That super-cool, nice, intelligent, awesomely dressed, polite girl must go to Cape Cod Academy (CCA).

by NoHatingCCA May 16, 2008

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