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noun/adj. A resilient family of refugees who evaded capture, landmines, mortar, and gunfire to escape Pol Pot's (Khmer Rouge) Killing Fields into Thailand's refugee camps to settle in the United States of America.

adj. Heat packin' Cambodians/Khmers/Markman Shooters in US Military.

That immigrant family that was just harassed by the brothas and the skin-heads are still here in Tacoma, and they're packin' heat...man those are some Phol muthafuckas.

Phol: Why are you sending me home without protection and without notifying my parents when someone called my house and threaten to kill me at school?
Tacoma PD: Well, we don't know what you and your friends are packin'. We rather you have a shootout outside of school grounds.
Phol: Isn't it your job to protect and serve? I am a US Citizen you know?
Tacoma PD: Yes, we're servin' you to the hitman whose gonna serve you...you Phol muthafucka!

by NoOneInParticular... October 31, 2011

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