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to fool around with your male reproductive member (i.e. gooning) until your penile muscles start bleeding.

Keyden: “Dude Marlon-san I tried gooning yesterday you were right”

Marlegro: “Aye my nigga thuling is the new meta now”

by NoWayAroundIt May 13, 2024


No lives (who probably goon) that either live in the Puerto Rican town of Mayagüez or attend the University of Puerto Rico’s precinct located in the very same city.

In a verb conjugation, mayagooning is basically the same concept but as an action instead of a state

“I got accepted into UPR Mayagüez!”

“Welcome to the mayagooner family man”

by NoWayAroundIt February 27, 2024


a person who lives in Vieques, Culebra, or any of the smaller islands within the Puerto Rican or U.S. Virgin Islands area. this can also be applied to people who live in any archipelago.

Mayagooner: dude i met this archipielagoon from saint marteen or whatever, he thought Puerto Rico had a volcano LOL!!!!

Viequense or whatnot: we were just talking about Wendy’s

by NoWayAroundIt February 27, 2024