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Half-Life crisis

One has a half-life crisis the night before a large project or a big test is coming up the next day in ones Chemistry class.

Man, I'm stupid! Why did I ever take AP Chemistry? I've already exposed myself to 7 different types of radiation, and this project is due before I can go in for treatment! Pretty soon, I won't have a half-life crisis, I'll have a no-life crisis!

by Noah Anderson December 28, 2005

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A shorthand version of saying or writing Grammar Nazi.

Dude, that Gnazi corrected me so damn much. I say we beat him up after dance practice.

by Noah Anderson September 10, 2005

13πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

No-Life Crisis

1. When someone finally realizes that they have no life whatsoever, because a life does not consist of playing WoW for 20 hours out of the 24 hour day.
2. When someone dies, and they have a really hard time dealing with it.

1. Hey, look, Eric's having a no-life crisis! He just got his Night Elf up to level 60 on WoW, and he finally figured out that he's a loser.
2. Yeah, Bob croaked the other day, but he's having a really hard time accepting that he's dead. He keeps coming into the bar, and ordering vodka... it's a sad sight, really.

by Noah Anderson December 28, 2005

40πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


The class of 2008, or any 10th grade class that has excessively slutty people comprising at least a third of the class.

Our class had so many sophowhores in it, that you couldn't go 10 feet without seeing two sophowhores being whory and the like.

by Noah Anderson September 6, 2005

16πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


The class of 2008, or a 10th grade class that has excessively slutty people comprising at least a third of the class.

Our class had so many sophowhores in it, that you couldn't go 10 feet without seeing two sophowhores being whoring and the like.

by Noah Anderson September 6, 2005

8πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


The class of 2008, or a 10th grade class that has excessively slutty people compromising at least a third of the class.

Our class had so many sophowhores in it, that you couldn't go 10 feet without seeing two sophowhores being whoring and the like.

by Noah Anderson September 6, 2005

8πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Salt Break

When one has an activity pertaining to salt, one must take a salt break to complete said task. Similar to rice break.

Carrying a large 40 pound (18.143695 KG) bag of salt down to ones basement door, or adding a pinch of said salt to some rather tasteless green beans, or even salting an icy road as to not slip and die all require salt breaks.

In the winter, and particularly around tasteless foods, one must have quite a few more salt breaks.

by Noah Anderson December 27, 2006

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