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Fake Toxic

If you want to see a fake toxic friendship go to Ella Lawrence and Kayla Duffy. They have the most toxic friendship ever they constantly talk shit on each other they also always cause drama They’re Friends one week and not Friends or next week The only reason their friends again is because Ella always comes crying back to Kayla

if you wanna know how to not be fake toxic do not talk shit on your friends at all if a toxic friendship is Kayla and Ella do not take after them

by Nonamedbitch September 17, 2020


A controlling boyfriend who doesn’t know when to stfu and doesn’t let his girlfriend do what she wants and makes her cry every day

Nobody likes Russell don’t get your self a Russell

by Nonamedbitch September 17, 2020

2👍 6👎


Ella Lawrence and Kayla Duffy talk shit on each other so much and are fake towards each other they are friends one week and the next they are not until ella comes crying back to Kayla.

Kayla:Ella is such a bitch
Ella: kayla acts like the world revolves around her
This is a toxic friendship they need help

by Nonamedbitch September 17, 2020