There is always, and I mean ALWAYS, furry porn of it.
Spiderman turns into Spiderman Yiff 18+. We know that, because of Rule 76. Fuck Rule 76.
2👍 3👎
Those fucking bastards that ruin your P-Rank no matter what in Pizza Tower
Dude playing Pizza Tower: Fuck these damned Forknights!
The person who made this definition.
Random Friend: Hey, insert person here, There's this person who defined bxfbnxfnohofhsdvgu, and it's made by... Who is that again?
insert person here: ...It says it's made by Noobinthetrash. What an dumb Urban Dictionary name!
The fastest form of music, if it even is. It goes from 1,200,000 BPM to "Infinity"1.
1: A.k.a: a point where you can't hear it even with audio amplification.
Dumbass: ew people make Hypertone? that's pretty gay
Dumbass2: Hypertone is good you dumbass
The random thing you might spam when hurting your keyboard.
Random person: I'm going to spam random letters while hurting my PC's keyboard!
Random person: bxfbnxfnohofhsdvgu
The largest fucking W this side of the Internet.
Person: I heard owouglytaken beat the shit out of uwucutesingle today.
Person 2: The cringy motherfucker deserves the beating.
The thing that happens to EVERY living being. (other than viruses)
Random person: Death sucks!
Random killer: Well now you're going to experience it!