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Generation Butthurt

Millennials and Gen Zers with no grasp of reality, who judge everything from a 10-second sound byte and carry the lynch mob mentality to social media where they will cancel anything for any reason because their post-adolescent idealistic phase has left them unable to cope with the real world.

Generation Butthurt -er: "I want an answer NOW!"
Adult/productive member of society: "I'm sorry, you will have to wait your turn. Your issue is deemed low priority... "
GBer: " How dare you! (misquotes the legal document they received and can't read properly for nuances in language like "or" and "may".) "I'm cancelling my contract and even though you graciously let them out of their contract without penalties they will run to social media to badmouth you and have all their GB friends on a tirade about how awful corporations and people with money and productive members of society are for making them mow their grass and pay for the applainces they break in their apartment their parents probably pay for.

by NopeIsland May 5, 2021