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short bus

the primary mode of transportation for the "special". basically a regular bus, but shorter.

the shorter the bus, the more "special" the riders.
some regular riders can identify their short bus by its smell

by Northendwhitetrash November 25, 2007

46πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Heavy Metal

A form of Hard Rock that began with Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Purple Haze in the late 1960s and early 70s. Metal is considered the Biggest of the three main forms of Hard Rock, followed by Punk then Grunge. Heavy Metal is composed of big, aggresive sounds produced primarily by electric guitars, bass guitars, and drums. THe vocals are generally very guttural (hoarse and deep voice sounds) or high pithced and shrieking. Metal has almost countless sub-genres including, but not limited to, Hair/Glam Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash, Classic Metal, Nu Metal, Gothic Metal, Black MEtal, Folk Metal, Progressive, and many more.

Some of the greatest Heavy MEtal Bands include Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Iron MAiden, AC/DC, Anthrax, Metallica, KISS, Motley Crue, and Alice Cooper

by Northendwhitetrash January 21, 2007

103πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


The exact opposite of a ricer. A Sleeper looks stock but is heavily modified to preform better. Sleepers are often, like ricers, economy cars. Unlike ricers, sleepers can also be regualr sedans or any other vehicle that was not meant to be a preformance vehicle. Sleeper cars are ussually modified with boost (super or turbochargers), transmisions, and sometimes full engine swaps. Many people who drive sleepers use them to hustle at the strip or avoid attention from the cops. Many auto makers offer factory sleepers that are a sport version of the origional economy sedan with very few external changes. Some of the best sleepers of all time came from the muscle car era. The 1972 Chevy Nova is considered one of the best sleepers. The Nova is one of the most popular models to get turned into a sleeper. Most sleepers aren't true sleepers because they will have aftermarker gauges visible (real sleepers hide them in the glove box), racing slicks and loud pipes. A true sleeper will not be exposed until they reach the end of the track.

Chuck's 1968 Mustang GT500 got spanked by a 1960 Chevy Nomad Wagon. Chuck was the victim of a big time Sleeper when the Nomad lifted the front wheels in the air and he proceeded to see nothing but tail lights down the track.

by Northendwhitetrash August 5, 2008

199πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

Breakfast of Champions

A breakfast that your mom probobly wouldn't serve you. The average BoC (Breakfast of Champions) consists of things that do not require cooking and are consequently very popular with single men. Most BoCs are made up of any combination of the following:
Alcohol (often cheap beer)
tobacco (ussually cigarettes)
pop tarts (not toasted)
cereal-minus the milk (unless the milk is chunky)
caffine (usually coffee, Mt Dew or cola)
Some of the better BoCs may also include oral sex from (and sometimes given to)a girlfriend or one night stand.

Note: Some BoCs are cooked, but not by man enjoying the meal. The most common sources of the cooked BoC are resturaunts like the Waffle House, IHOP, Denny's and the local diner type establishment. These must include pancakes, hash browns, ketchup, biscuits and gravy, ketchup, hot sauce and/or lots of butter and grease.

My Breakfast of Champions began with a Mt Dew. Then I went to Jungle Jim's Cafe for a cooked BoC. I got a 6 biscuit order of biscuits and gravy, some hash browns, a bottle of ketchup, a shortstack of pancakes, a half pound of butter and enough Frank's Redhot to down a horse.

I had the cooked BoC because the morning before, I just had cold poptarts and some old milk.

by Northendwhitetrash November 1, 2008

194πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


the PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center)was formed in 1985. Its four members consisted of the Tipper Gore, Susan Baker, Pam Howar, and Sally Nevius. All four women were wives of promonent husbands that worked in federal government. The women waged a jihad against popular music, especially rock music. They blamed rock music for rape, violence, drug abuse and teenage suicide. They held a Senate hearing in August 1985 to discuss and attempt to impliment censorship in music. The PMRC had many proffesors and phycatrists testify on their part. Opposing them was Dee Sinder (Twisted Sister) Frank Zappa and John Denver. Technically the PMRC suceeded by forcing production companies to put the ever common Parental Warning sticker on the cover of explicit albums.

THe PMRC claimed to be acting on behalf of the American People. In reality, the PMRC was just a bunch of Washington socialites that wanted something public to do. What they were attempting to do was against the 1st amendment and a charachteristic of a Socialist/Communist/Nazi government

by Northendwhitetrash February 28, 2007

63πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

No Offense

A phrase added to an otherwise insulting statement. You say "no offense" right before or after you say something that is insulting. "No offense" allows you to say just about anything you want about anyone.

It is sometimes followed up by "none taken." The recipient of the original comment says "none taken" to signal that they were not insulted.

Joe: Sally, you've put on some weight
Sally: *slaps the shit out of Joe*


Joe: No offense, Sally, you've gotten fat
Sally: None taken. I guess I should go on a diet. .

by Northendwhitetrash October 4, 2009

388πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


when a man loses his testicles to his woman.

All men who wish to have any form of relationship (or just get laid) must be pussywhipped to a certain degree. The minor offenders are never called pussywhipped, only the men who allow their woman to walk all over them and totally control every aspect of their life (even if the woman is not in the smae state at the time).

Friend1: Dude, Ryan is really pussywhipped. He follows Christian all over the place, doesn't talk to his friends (unless she does) and only hangs out with her and her friends.
Friend2: At least he's getting some
Friend1: Yeah, but we havn't seen him in 4 months. Tommorow I'm gonna report him missing to the police

by Northendwhitetrash January 19, 2008

1327πŸ‘ 204πŸ‘Ž