Georg bjarnfreðarsonur is Most handsome man à whole iceland he has FIVE degrees he work many years in shell gas station and then was fired then he worked in a hotel and killed its owner while the owner was sexually harassing him then he went to litla hraun wich is a prison where icelands most dangerous people go too and there he finessed his way to be a hall manager and life was never better for him.
Who is georg Georg bjarnfreðarsonur is a smart but a dangerous man
A gay man who doesn't like you and abuse you every day sexually
No it's just daddy
Take me to bed faðir and then we can have fun if you know what I mean
Its a Icelandic word for stfu
And if someone says haltu kjafti then stfu
Bro1:haltu kjafti
Bro2:keeps on talking
Bro1:jumps bro 2