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Mr. Hingelberg

What a friggin dude. If you know a Mr. Hingelberg, (which is hard to find tbh..) tell him how much he matters!! He's poetic and honest, he wants to learn all about you, honestly. He is kind and super religious in the best way possible. He wants you to become a great person. He is openly honest about his past and his mistakes so you can learn from them. He respects you but has a big brother sense to him, he will carry you on his shoulders to your best possible self but can also be a little nosy (with love). He wants you to become not only a person who can think for yourself but a person who can develop into a person who helps others do the same. He is so friggin awesome and makes me what to just become a person of incredible wisdom and faith. If you know a Mr. Hingelberg, cherish him and be kind to him.

Ralph - Yo i got Mr. Hingelberg's class next
Jack - Lucky...

by NotEntirelyAlone February 9, 2022

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