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synonym for telephone that can be used as a verb or adjective

-see telecone

"Damn girl, your headband is so chic, can I get your telepine number?"

"Morgan telepined, AGAIN, for you."

by NotKatie January 25, 2009

2👍 1👎


áaliyah, the most beautiful girl in the world. shes amazing. she has the best personality and everyone loves her. she can be mean, but she is also really kind and sweet. if u're ever lucky enough to meet an áaliyah u better treasure her and love her with ur whole heart. u better protect her and take care of her. i bet if u meet an áaliyah she's gonna be so pretty w an amazing personality. ik a lot of áaliyahs will probably see this but im specifically talking abt my áaliyah. yk who u are! (yes u).

i love u áaliyah with my whole hearttatat

idk: whos that girl over there? is her name vera? she so pretty
idk2: no that's áaliyah, the best person in the whole world

by NotKatie November 9, 2022


synonym for telephone that can be used as noun

-see telepine

"Hugh just sent Alex a sexy text from laura's telecone."

"Quick, telepine my telecone so you can hear my new ringtone"

by NotKatie January 25, 2009

2👍 1👎



me: hi
u: hi

by NotKatie November 9, 2022


A Toby is a guy who is one a million; he somehow manages to stray from the usual path of men, and go off in the right direction. He has all the qualities that every girl could ever want in a man; kind, caring, trustworthy, loyal, accepting, sensitive, funny...the list goes on, a Toby is genuine through and through. Toby's generally date people who are a bit more challenging to tap into...most people find it hard to put up with them and to love them, but somehow Toby's can see them for who they really are, and they can bring out the person inside of them that no one else can do. Even for people who don't trust others well, a Toby has the ability to get even the most insecure and scared people to trust them and love them. If you find a Toby, you are the luckiest person in the world. People search sometimes their entire lives to find someone like a Toby, and when a girl just happens to find him out of the blue, she has no idea how lucky she is. Guys like Toby's don't come around often, if at all. If you have a Toby, appreciate them and love them, because they are worth every second of your day, and more. Everyone who has a Toby knows what I mean..Love your Toby

Toby is so sexy mexy

by NotKatie March 14, 2013

1210👍 330👎