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Keira Schey

Keira Schey is the. Hottest. Woman alive. Everyone is in Love with Keira. I’m in love with Keira.

1. I’m in love with Keira Schey.
2. Keira Schey is the hottest woman on earth

by NotKeiraScheyAtAll!!!!! June 13, 2022


Extremely hyper sexual ginger

Person: “Hey Guilhermina”
Guilhermina: “Fuck me *moans*”
Person: 😨😰😥😓 *runs away in horror* *falls on knees* *screams for help*

by NotKeiraScheyAtAll!!!!! August 30, 2023

Tommy Mcdonagh

Long haired hottie who is commonly mistaken as Rapunzel with a bucket hat. Tommy has a dog Fiona who everyone loves. We all love Fiona. One of Tommy’s favorite pastimes is to kick his feet up in the air and twirl his hair.

Person 1: “This guy is such a Tommy Mcdonagh”
Person 2: “For real bro really fine as hell”
Person 1: “Ong my bro”

by NotKeiraScheyAtAll!!!!! October 10, 2023