Source Code

pronouns in bio

A way of telling someone your pronouns without telling someone your pronouns

Person 1: Hey! did you check *inset name here*'s bio?

person 2: no. . . why?

person 1: turns out, if you look at their pronouns in bio, they use the pronouns they/them!

person 2: oh. . . looks like I've been using the wrong pronouns! I'll try to use the right ones when referring to them!

by NotSureWhatI'mDoingHere May 14, 2021

85👍 144👎


Z is commonly known as the last letter in the alphabet.
But, sometimes it can be used as a name!
Another thing about the letter Z, It is commonly used to make sounds

person: I looked up the last letter of the alphabet on Urban dictionary, Z!
other person: not sure why you did that, but good for you I guess
Z: Hello! My name is Z!
Other person: oh that's a cool name
bee: ZZZzzzZZZzzz
Person: AHHHH! A BEE!
other person: chill out! It's just a bee.

by NotSureWhatI'mDoingHere September 24, 2021