As the definition is just basically selfish, Selfish as in Over obsessing over ones need(You) and not others(opposite-Selflessness)
'Amy started being an egomaniacal person after her dad secured a job with a high salary'.
Theres 50696123456789098765465340 articles on this but
Here we go: ' Bruh' is an informal term for a male friend, often used as a form of address. While bruh has been recorded in Black English dating back to the 1890s, bruh spread as an interjection variously expressing surprise or dismay since at least the 2010s.
Sometimes used to express confusion or to tell the other person that she/he is dumb
Guy 1- Bruh I need your help
Guy 1- I ate the shampoo
Guy 2- WHY Bruh
Guy 1- Because it was labelled Mango Paradise
Guy 1- But it was labelled non-toxic
Guy 2- *Totally pissed of*