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Ok, a spliff is, and always will be, a cannabis-tobacco cigarette. It is rolled using two papers (preferably zig zag 1-1/4, but if your a beginner, go for the king size). You take the two papers and overlap them in an 'L' Formation. You put your weed and tobacco (i recommend Midnight special or bali shag, because it's a wetter, loose tobacco) together in the papers and begin to roll from one end to the other. Technique is important, you want to end up with a cone shape because it burns evenly. Also, if you dont want flying bits of tobacco and weed to get in your mouth, just remember to add a crutch, or mouth piece (not a cotton filter), and your set!

Anyone can roll a spliff, all you need is a lil yoda. I will say this though about spliffs: Dont smoke too many, they give you the sweats and spins like crazy. I remember one night My brothers british roomates and I burned 34 spliffs and played super smash bros brawl all night. It was insane!

by Not_Ian April 15, 2009

22👍 21👎