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The best character in the Super Mario franchise. Takes much longer to select in Mario Kart: Double Dash.

Youtuber: Look how much longer it takes to select Wario.

by NyanMinecrafter March 4, 2021

pioneer furry

In a friend group with multiple furries, the pioneer furry is the first one of the group to be open about being a furry.

Guy 1: Guy 2 was the pioneer furry of our group. Without him, I never would have opened up about it myself.

by NyanMinecrafter February 4, 2022


The name of the main protagonist in the game "Baba is You".

Baba is you
Baba is stop
Baba on key is box

by NyanMinecrafter March 7, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Guy 2

Used a lot of the time along with Guy 1

Guy 1: Hello Guy 2
Guy 2: Hello Guy 1

by NyanMinecrafter December 23, 2017

173πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Grapes are a fruit that appears in Yoshi Story, as well as on Earth.

"I just found Grapes in Yoshi Story!"

by NyanMinecrafter March 7, 2021

Anti-Anti-Fur Month

Lasts for the entirety of April, in which any anti-furry which took place in Anti-Fur Month must put on a fursuit and communicate only in uwu speak when near the presence of a furry. Any anti-furry that refuses to do this will automatically be converted to a furry by force.

Anti: Anti-Fur Month last month was great, I'm so glad I participated
Furry: Jokes on you, Anti-Anti-Fur Month is upon us. Put on the fursuit uwu
Anti: Never again

by NyanMinecrafter March 4, 2021

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

hug a furry month

a month where anyone that has taken part in beat a furry month must hug every furry they encounter and they can't ignore any
its on February

hater: i hate you furry
furry: it's hug a furry month
hater: noooooooooo

by NyanMinecrafter January 2, 2021

51πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž