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Any vehicle made in France, usually a car. They are not known for their reliability, if you make a mistake of buying one, you are guaranteed to get a lot of small problems in addition to big ones. When it comes to maintenance and repairs, they are nightmares for mechanics.

The definition of a frogmobile doesn't only apply to vehicles made in France. There's a province in Canada called Quebec where e.g. the most of Ski-Doo sleds are made, fortunately sleds aren't as hopeless cases as French cars, it is largely due to the fact that their engines are manufactured in Austria, whose greatest gift to humankind was a certain Herr Hitler. Originally the factory was located in Dresden, Germany, but the factory and most of the city were wiped out in a couple of days in the bombings of February 1945, thanks to the immigrant Hitler. The Quebecers consider themselves as the inventors of the snowmobile, although it's not so clear-cut, they also tend to buy smaller companies and then claim all inventions as their own, or they just simply copy the innovation of a small competitor, knowing that they themself can afford years of legal battle in court, but which is impossible for a smaller opponent. But hey, let's face it; they probably invented the wheel before Mesopotamian civilization, not to mention the rubber track.

Talking about frogmobiles - when frogs are amphibians, are they possibly also the inventors of amphibious vehicles?

by O. W. Tongueincheek December 28, 2022

1598๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Rape Army

The Soviet Union and today's Putinstan babble endlessly about the "Great Patriotic War" which began according to them on June 22nd, 1941 - no clue about September 17, 1939. They don't want to know anything about the disgraceful Secret Protocol of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact where these two fascists defined the borders of Soviet and German "spheres of influence" as those two parasites expressed it.

Today's Sovok doesn't want to be aware of the countless heinous crimes Soviets commited during the war, they are no different from Nazi atrocities, furthermore they were parasitizing and looting the countries they occupied nearly five decades, they were "liberated" countries.

They keep the wartime Soviet military, the Red Army as a hero, tho' a more truthful name would be the Rape Army 'cause those heroes commited the greatest mass rape in 20th century without pity even children in the countries where the red plague occupied, especially in Germany. Soviet & Putinstanian "official" historians have just about zero credibility due to they tend to rewrite history and remove the unpleasant facts from them like the pigs did in Orwell's Animal Farm.

รขย€ยœIf you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." This phrase is associated with Joseph Goebbels, but this method has been most used by the Soviets and todayรขย€ย™s Putinstan and the results show up; ignoramuses don't know their history and repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

"Sovoks should finally start talking about things honestly under their real names, such as an alternative name for the mighty Red Army would be the Rape Army."

by O. W. Tongueincheek January 22, 2022

2203๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Johnny C. Dude

Johnny C. Dude, a chef in the Orient and Johnny B. Goode's distant cousin (a Chuck Berry tune)

Verse 1
Deep down in East Asia close to COVID-19s

Way back up in the hoods, far from New Orleans
There stood a kitchen whose food tasted so good
Where made dishes a chef named Johnny C. Dude
Who never ever learned to read recipes so well
But for dogs he was the devil straight outta hell

Go, go
Go Johnny go, go
Go Johnny go, go
Go Johnny go, go
Go Johnny go, go
Johnny Chink Dude

Verse 2
He used to hang around by the railroad tracks
Carrying knives, a saw and his sharp axe

Oh, the engineers would see him sitting on the hills
Observing railsides to harvest railroad kills
Gourmet people passing by would stop and say:
"Oh my, dat chef boi can cook tho' he's so gay"


Verse 3
Mother told 'im: "You'll be kinda Gordon Ramsay man
Whose cronies are shit and you are the fan
Hungry people coming from miles around
To eat your bats, cats or the foxhound
Your commercial will be on the Michelin site"

Saying: "C'mon man, have a big bite!"


"Let's go eat at that Johnny C. Dude's Chinese restaurant."
"Hell no! My dog could offend his mind if he found out."

by O. W. Tongueincheek November 5, 2021

2303๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scratch the Russian

... and underneath you'll find the second-rate Genghis Khan. This tradition involves violence, cruelty, and lying from the Mongols. Such a state will inevitably become thoroughly corrupt, violent, paranoid, technologically and socially backward, but the Russkies donรขย€ย™t care 'cause they have lived all their lives in authoritarian shithole, i. e. those ignorant tools simply cannot even think of any other model of government.

If Joseph Goebbels were alive, he would be jealous of how well vatniks are saturated with propaganda and the majority of them are jingoistic Putin followers. Sure, anyone can listen to this Fรƒยผhrer and his Reichsminister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov's statements as long as you keep in mind that 90% are lies and 10% exaggerations - perhaps they all live in a parallel universe as sovoks did in Soviet times.

Putinstan's attack on Ukraine has shown that the war has been proven to be a clusterfuck, they have failed on many levels. Vladolf Putler's dream is to restore that shithole to true superpower, the dream might come true when he is at a respectable age of 120.

A watched pot never boils, therefore Putler's military has adopted once again the good old Mongol tactics; massacres of civilians, tortures and rapes. Like their Asiatic ancestors, they are destroying all infrastructure such as water supply, granaries, hospitals etc. etc., and schools especially if there happen to be children, those future Nazis are a potential threat to Putinstan.

Scratch the Russian and underneath you'll find the second-rate Genghis Khan - more than 250 years enslavered by Mongols has its effects.

by O. W. Tongueincheek May 9, 2022

1985๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mikhail Kalashnikov

The Soviet regimes had a manic need to display the countryรขย€ย™s excellence to the world and especially for their own sovoks, whether the reason was the Slavic inferiority complex or whatever, for the civilized world their efforts were tragicomical, in reality it was a mere developing country with a nuclear weapon (due to the help of Western commies) and today's successor, Putinstan is basically unchanged with the same mindset.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
Mikhail Kalashnikov also began to believe in this Soviet myth about himself as a creator of the AK 47, the quote is allegedly from Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda in the Third Reich.

Immediately after the war, the Soviets began hunting experts in various fields from Germany for forced labor into the Soviet Union, among these thousands was also a weapon designer Hugo Schmeisser and his 15-member team and 500 other German gunsmiths, metallurgists and scientists. HS had developed the world's first usable assault rifle, the Strumgevehr 44. Kalashnikov denied having met Schmeisser ever (in the town of Izhmash), but at least once in a weak moment in an interview in 2009 he said he had "collaborated" with him - this is the good ol' Homo Sovieticus' hero-making method; talents develop a product, but the glory goes to the own peasant. Schmeisser was allowed to return to the "liberated" part of Germany in 1952 only to die the following year.

When the pompous Mikhail Kalashnikov statue was unveiled in Moscow 2017, at the same time, in a way, the real designer of the AK 47 was also unveiled, but only for a moment... The sculptor had blundered by depicting Schmeisser's designed StG 44 and its parts on the pedestal of the statue - an angle grinder was found and soon this embarrassing reminder of honest historiography was removed.

by O. W. Tongueincheek February 8, 2022

2143๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Religion of Peace

The founder of the "religion of peace" was prophet Mohammad. For a some reason he is called "prophet" even though the "pedophile" would be a more appropriate designation - or by what name should be a man called who in his fifties picked up his favorite wife Aisha from a kindergarden and screwed her when she was 9-year-old, of course she was a child of his cousin, so no wonder why 50% of dune coons in the Middle East are inbreds due to consanguineous marriages when the Maestro itself sets an unhealthy example.

There are enough delusional zealots who murder innocent people, even children in the name of gods. Extreme Islamists are a good bad example of these lunatics. Unfortunately their inbreeding hasn't yet come far enough, they still have hands to shoot, blast bombs and slash the throats of infidels and feet to move instead of seal-like body with claws and flippers.

While we are waiting for that day (hurry up evolution, in the name of Charles Darwin!) they continue to commit atrocities among the heredics and if they happen to die while doing their holy mission they become martyrs and will enter paradise with 72 virgin goats. It's a bit foggy on how those clit free tent ladies will be rewarded after they detonate their explosive vest in a crowd.

"The religion of peace takes good care of its women, every individual seems to have a black, portable tent in case of snowstorms - whether a camel's shit-operated stove included.."

by O. W. Tongueincheek December 20, 2021

2297๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž

mocha ears

Arabs in general, including other ethnic groups in North Africa and the Middle East.

If the mocha ear doesn't live in a backward shithole country, then he or she lives in some oil-soaked narrow-minded shithole as a freeloader without the need for any special skills because slaves from the third world do the job that lazy ass mocha ears don't want to do.

by O. W. Tongueincheek July 6, 2023

1140๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž