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1- Once upon a time, in a tranding point of our life as we know it, in a memory of a dreaming part of our life.
2- In a secrecy manner intended for the maturity of experience in a life.
3- An internal life un-exposed to the public, and or untrustworthy circle of friends, and or family.
4- One life to realize.

1- Babe I've seen ripples of our life that might have effect inhalife near to come, be cautious in how you express your ass about us.
2- yes babe say nomore, only if they were open minded we could have more intimacy as who used to be inhalife.

by OD CUB EYE OS YOUR IAS May 11, 2019


1- Selfishly words mixing and explaining as it goes growing in a beautiful pattern,from a belle bell to ringing my bell my oh mine!!.

Yo- Belliebeumy when I believe in mines you wanna do miss.
I- say what they say but is not what she say's.
Yo- Is what she says at least i'm not in the same says.
I- and can it self control or just self correct.
Both- hahahahah
Yo- Belliebeumy when I selfierrect

I- say nomore.

by OD CUB EYE OS YOUR IAS May 26, 2019


1-Words sexing with each other, and or rearranged in a playful manner to create a minor optical illusion,while the confused introduction, sends the reader, inha creative pattern of history and cultural understanding to paint a bigger picture around faith.

2-Cleopathra's wrath and path spreaded ass like wild fire, stunning life quicker than rodants.

Yo- Cleowratpath is a walk of a talk in a rap wrap.
I- Right wright, Cleowratpath sounds to me like alike a talk a walkah talk of walkhas.
Yo- Hahahaha aahuhh yogaduh minds.
I- jajajaja Say nomore Cleowratpath's ex-press!!! nomour.

by OD CUB EYE OS YOUR IAS May 26, 2019


1 A self explanatory word of a sexing threw words.
2- A crash of visions with a comomm ground from none to some.
3- A word that grew on its own basics of use depending on the reader.
4-Visualize the value of knowing, into, a priced; by, population Square to the "moral standards" of modernism's,patterns of evolution in economics, sex; fused by comommly known as "satisfaction", aswell as an experience of success, brought threw you by your own experiences of life it self around us all as self evaluated concept of life or just a word. Self existing, price+value=worthiness,where a processor.+ a successor.=obsession, where life+experience=success, where sex+sex=genius, and time as pre+us all=history.

1- So he thinks he is a pro to everything he does,so preusexougeanous of him he is not even old enough to buy beers and wants to solved every question ask in tbe world at the same time.
2- a passive aggressive way of kidding around with and unexperienced friend depending on one's age.

by OD CUB EYE OS YOUR IAS September 9, 2018


1- A made up word to unify a term use to deviate to extend a main point of a conversation.
2- A simplified way to say besides that point.

yo- Remember Jenna.
Bro- Yeah I macked her by the bleaches.
Yo- Bizaidahpoint she also was doing it with me.
Bro- hahahaha she sure played us both.
Yo- Bizaidahpoint we always had good times peace.

by OD CUB EYE OS YOUR IAS January 10, 2020


1- A term cteated to describe the act of a head-rushed event, cause by lack of oxygen in the brain, after being in a position where the head gets little blood flowing threw.
2-A word created to simplify a term of picking someone's thoughts, as to how know what a person, and or animals might be thinking when when approach with an unexpected expression.

P1- Wow I got braindeeps by the girl I like.
P2- Do you mean that all of your attention goes to her.
P1- No quite, she wanted the purpose of my thoughts.
P2- I like a straight shooter girl, but I can tolerate a rooky.
P1- I hear what you mean bro, brain picking is a thing but braindeeping took it all, Braindeeps is the new slang word for the act of enjoying someone's thoughts or by versa...
P2- Hahahaha agreed say nomore.

by OD CUB EYE OS YOUR IAS August 14, 2019


1- A made up word to gather meanings in one place, (the inner sense of our mind.)
2- A passive-aggresive word to discribe having a flashback while silently battling between a conclusive mind and a hope of a better day, just to be found playing with the inner instincts of thy self.
3- A word to relate the inner mind, inner jokes, made by secrecy it self from lacking trust on a growing mind,(keep it in within until the mind is ready.)

1- He is such of "innaplay" anyway is not like she understands the full meaning of our game and or backwards.
2- shouts my boy, and ladies keep innaplay in a play do not overwhelm your self over a lovers game, " keep an inner play for mature audiences only".

by OD CUB EYE OS YOUR IAS December 13, 2018