Sherple is a play on the word "Sheeple" which defines someone who is ignorant to the word around them or conforming to the media they consume. Sherple, on the other hand, is a species with both traits of a homosapian and a sheep. Sherple have horns, wool, hooves , and human faces. In society they are seen as holy helpers and are often seen doing journalism, internships, or assistant jobs.
Person: "I would have been lost without my sherple's help!"
Person 2: "They truly are sent by Jesús.."
Sherple: "Thanks girlieesssss"
Rosemary Wilson (last name given by fans) is a character in the YouTube series The Walten Files. She is canonically married to Jack Walten and has three children. In the series where she got her last name she is married to Gisselle Stolas (age 24 female) and also has three children, Sophie Wilson, Edd Wilson, and Molly Wilson. Rosemary has one older sister Jane Wilson who plays the main antagonist in the series (non canonical). Rosemary Wilson in the canon series gets killed by Bon and chopped up. In the non-canonical series she gets kidnapped by her sister and killed infront of Jack.
Person1: Rosemary Wilson is my favorite character!
Person2: Sheâs mine too!
A Zingy is an aves naranja from Australia. They come in the pink and orange variety but no deviation of this species has wings, meaning they cannot fly.
Person 1: "Did you see that bird over there?"
Person 2: "Yeah, thats a Zingy"
An animal most closely resembling a badger with a blue fur coat. The Animaljamitron cannot focus it's eyes and has very limited, dull vision. It is very aggressive towards humans and other larger or predatory species.
Reu: "Did you hear that Animaljamitron??"
Ray W. Cist: "Haha it looks just like you!"
The main antagonist of a Walten Files spinoff series. Portrayed as a sadistic yandere. She has a sister Rosemary Wilson and dies by getting pushed off of Jack Waltens roof. Age 26.
Person1: Jane Wilson sucks
Person2: Yeah, sheâs a bitch
Ray W. Cist is a character from the Cornaplex. He is the previous owner of the establishment but had died after trying to test his invention on himself. He also tested said invention on his entire family. He holds a string dislike for people of color as his name suggests.
Sheeple: "IS THAT RAY W. CIST!"
Ray W. Cist: "Yes it is I."