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A style whose origin no one is sure of. Probably begain in the late eighties to early ninties (of cource, at that time, they were not labeled as scene). The 'scene' itself refers to the 'music scene'. In recent times, mostly since the dawn of Myspace onto our generation, the style itself spawned into quite a craze. Most everyone tries to be scene in one way or another, but might not realize it. The real scene kids are almost non-existant anymore. Now, it is a large clique of bitchy fifteen year old girls and their boyfriends, who are usually afraid to stand up to their girls, because they don't want to mess up their hair. Scene girls have short, razored, choppy hair that is uneven because they cut it themselves. God forbid someone else interpret who you are by cutting such a precious thing to you as your hair. They usually wear extremely tight, peg leg, or skinny jeans, and even tighter shirts. They wear obnoxious patterns, mostly polka dots, stripes, or dinosaurs/robots. They also usually wear tacky jewlery and hair accessories that were meant to be worn by little girls. Ballet flats are a must. Horn rimmed glasses, also, but you better hope someone doesn't mistake you for emo. They take myspace pictures from oh-so-flattering angles in which you can only see approximately 1/5th of their faces. The part of their face you CAN see usually makes them look very xxtuff. They wear way too much makeup, mostly consisting of thick, chunky black eyeliner and brightly colored eye-smudge or eye shadow that should have been abandoned in approximately 1982. Scene girls own the most enormous sunglasses imaginable. The bigger the better. They claim to be original. To call a scene kid original is to give them the best compliment in the world. Scene boys generally have greasy, unkempt black hair, with or without blonde highlights. They wear extremely tight jeans, and extremely tight band shirts for bands they either haven't heard of, or heard one of their songs once and MAN WERE THEY HxC. They usually have a snake bite, or talk about getting one often. Both species share their love for the scene and their originality on their myspaces. They usually have skinny, simple layouts in which they reveal only enough information for you to know how scene they are. Their myspace display names almost always have brackets in them. Usually these brackets contain something clever and thought up between a group of scene friends, to represent their love for each other and their sceneness. Some such examples being: "GLMRT", "NCCAxCORE", "FCKN FGT", "DONT FRGET ME", "ON VCTN TILL THE FFTH", "LV ME SOME LVN", etc, etc. They ONLY listen to so called 'underground' bands, and they get very upset when such a band becomes mainstream. Trends involving the scene usually get started on myspace, and end on myspace. Scene kids do not like vowels. They type in obnoxious and totally unneccessary abbreviations that make even the simplest statements hard to follow, such as: bby, fck, fckn, fgt, attn, and kthxbi. A remarkable number of scene boys are bisexual. My question is, is it a trend, or is something in the water? Not that there is anything wrong with being bisexual, but in the last year or so I have noticed the number of people I know that are bisexual at least quadrupeled. And I avoid associating myself with scene kids. Scene kids love to start myspace wars. That way they can show off how xtuff they are without actually having to fight anyone. Because they know they would lose. Its like being a tease, except instead of sex, its with empty threats. While in recent times, many scene kids smoked weed and ciggerettes, the new thing is straight edge. Most scene kids have now proclaimed their straight edgedness proudly in the last few months. This trend is now fading with the realization of its mainstreamness. Another obvious trait of a scene kid is his or her love for using x's in their screennames and typing in general. Many have terribly original screennames like xxLOST MF LOVE, and GUNtoMyHexxD. xCore was a favorite of theirs until they figured out that everyone was using it to make fun of them. Majority of scene girls are really valley girls that think they're hardcore. All scene kids like all scene kids. They might secretly hate another fellow scenester, but can't say it, because for some reason all of the little scene girls seem to feel an urge to flock with their own type. Go to any scene girl (or guy, for that matter)'s myspace, and if they have a top eight, which they probably won't, because they have so many friends they just couldn't choose who was cool enough to be on their top eight, look at the default pictures for all those on this sacred gathering of friends. I guarentee you they all look very similar. Cloning? No. Its the scene.

Lyke OMGZ. That fckn jrk thnks he can mss wth my bby. I ran out of hrspry. Omgz. My bby's fckn fghtng smne ovr <3<3<3<3MYSPACE<3<3<3<3. Lyke Chrstna, do you fckn wnna join and btch ths fkr out ovr <3<3<3<3MYSPACE<3<3<3<3 to lyke hlp my bby? Wait, h//o;;. I gtta tke sm pcs of me fr my <3<3<3<3MYSPACE<3<3<3<3. Fckn dnt go, u fckn hoe. cuntxxcore. I fckn lv yu. I mst be scn. <scene kid, attempting to talk.

by OMFCKNGDxxCORE July 17, 2006

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