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Vin fizzled

A surprised/startled feeling that makes you lose control of your bladder.

Exhibit A: "Nak!"
Exhibit B: "You vin fizzled me!"

Exhibit B walks away with wet trousers.

by ObsessionWith3D October 10, 2023

11👍 1👎

Springs to mind

An Imaginative world you live in and though you treat it as in everyone knows what you mean.

The News: There was 147 people killed in the tragic fire.
You: 147????? I LOVVVVEEEE THAT NUMBERRRRR *plays the extended mix of Bizarre Love Triangle*
Everyone in a unison monotone voice: Springs to Mind...

by ObsessionWith3D August 24, 2023


To have sharp looks and an appetite for coolness to the EXOSPHERE!

Term originates from the "Hundredth fortieth seventh day of highschool" where I wore Ray-Bans combined with a pink patterned dinosaur shirt and a blue plaid sweatshirt. I also happened to have the best hair day, anyone would look at me and start drooling automatically.

Don't be a 160, rather a 147.

by ObsessionWith3D October 11, 2023

12👍 2👎

September 1st

"National" 3D Glasses Day
On September 1, 2022, I wore a brand new pair of paper 3D glasses to school. Everyone would look at me and laugh. I shrugged it off and continued walking tall with the quirky accessory for the entire school day. Don't let those bullies push you around on what you can and cannot wear, embrace your inner weirdness on this day.

I don't recommend wearing 3D for too long, I got a MAJOR headache afterwards.

Person A: What's with the funny glasses?
Me: Don't you know it's September 1st?

by ObsessionWith3D July 26, 2024