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Bro Metal

A sub genre of rock ‘n roll music, branching off the Nü-Metal sub genre, characterized by heavy guitar riffs, simplistic lyrics surrounding love, loss, and sex. It is widely accepted by a class of listeners who are not visibly metal fans - such as weight room enthusiasts, football players, auto mechanics, and others who commonly use “bro” as an informal way to address a friend, acquaintance, or even a complete stranger. The common listener also usually queues up popular hip-hop tracks, gangsta rap, country, etc on their personal listening device. Bros typically refer to this genre simply as “metal.” Bands include, but are not limited to:
• Nickelback
• Creed
• Puddle of Mudd

“Hey bro. Have you heard that new Nickleback album? That shit is dope. Chad Kroeger really hits me right in the feels.”

“Bro! Bro! I hear Creed might get back together next week. I love it when Scott Stapp opens his arms wide when he shouts. That shit is tough like Jesus, bro!”

“Hey bro. I got an extra ticket to see Puddle of Mudd tomorrow night. I can’t find anyone else to go with me. I have an extra Ed Hardy shirt in it for you can have if you want to tag along. C’mon bro, no one else will go with me. C’mon bro. Broooooo?!”

“Yeah, I can’t stand watching Scott Stapp mimick Eddie Vedder’s voice or pretend he’s Jesus Christ. At least Eddie Vedder’s natural speaking voice sounds similar to how he sings. Scott Stapp sounds nasally when he talks and writes lyrics that appeal to either 3rd graders or gym rats who love bro metal.”

by OciferSven December 2, 2018

17👍 8👎


Tickles and hurts at the same time

Stop tickling me!!! *Hahahaha* Oww! Ahhh! Stop, it turts!!!

by OciferSven December 31, 2015

2👍 8👎

Window Shopping

When you are experiencing a window to take a shit and need to find a place to do it.

I have to shit so badly but i don't think I can do it without stinking up the workplace. I need to do a little window shopping to find the right place to drop a load.

by OciferSven January 11, 2015

2👍 4👎


Ladies love the beard

Since LLTB, I can't keep them off my junk.

by OciferSven December 31, 2015

8👍 44👎


A time when a person is able to poop.

"Oh my God, I've got a window to take a shit right now. Wait, nope. It just crawled back up. I'll have to wait for the next window to come around."

by OciferSven January 11, 2015

3👍 1👎