Origin - Latin
Urban Origin - Originally created by an awesome player of the game Guild Wars. Known for his amaizing ability to do absolutley nothing while his team is getting raped up the butt and also the only guy in the game to kill everyone on his team while keeping himself alive aswell as the other team. What made him really poppular was his awesome ability to use the words, newb, newbcake, and the ever popular phrase,you lack discipline, in a horribly done asian accent. Also known for his other amaizing ability to hate people who play WoW, kill large numbers of newbs ranging from 100 to 1000 in seconds, calling the cops on "deus haters", and ghetto slaping his b****es.
Literal Meaning - God
Part of Speech - Noun
Definition - One who is able to rape, ghetto slap, bitch slap, pwn, and/orown everyone on his/her own team aswell as everyone standing within 50 miles of him/her while being a lazy retard with no skills at any game. Also known as "mother truckin rainman"
Nerd 1 - Dude, this is great were actually beating their asses.
Nerd 2 - Dude look OMG. deus just killed their whole team!
Nerd 1 - This would be good if he didnt just kill us all in the process.
Nerd 1 & 2 - DAM YOU Deus. Go Play in traffic.
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