Source Code

Attack Sidewalk

When a seeming inanimate and/or stationary piece of sidewalk jumps up and hits an individual leaving a mark remarkably similar to that which would be result of falling on said sidewalk. Almost exclusively happens to heavily inebriated people very early in the morning just after the bars closed. Closely related to the attack coffee table, attack wall, attack bench attack toilet, attack door and attack light post.

Bunny: OMG!!! Bambi, what happened to your face?!?!?!?

Bambi: You won't believe this! Last night after the bars closed I was walking home with that hottie I met, the sidewalk just reared up and whacked me right in the face!!!

Bunny: No WAY!!!! Maybe you were drunk and you just fell.

Bambi: WAY!!!! I wasn't drunk and I didn't fall. I swear it was an attack sidewalk!

by OdiesRant January 29, 2010

Temporary Tourettes

A fleeting condition where one spews a torrent of profanities, twitches and jumps around in a manner similar to the real neurological affliction, Tourette Syndrome. Usually brought on by abrupt pain such as hammering one's one thumb or having one's toe stepped on by someone wearing stilettos.


John: What the hell's up with Bob?

Tom: Oh, he's got Temporary Tourettes. His girlfriend just stepped on his toe with those titanium-tipped armour piercing stilettos she just bought. He might need stitches.

by OdiesRant January 29, 2010