taivian is a young tugg who is seen as a bad influence but is a ride or die friend and gang-affiliated boy. he is most likely a rapper and is hard. people think he can't fight but he can and he don't take verbal from his opps. he reps his ends till his death and he will defend his friends. he is leng and has braids and is a good friend to have. get u a taivian
yo have u heard what happened to my man? Taivian whacked him up badd
most likely goes by mamszy2trappy
he is short with a high top and a high voice
he is fruity but gets girls every now and then
yo mamadou com buck me in catford
some short lightskin don with braids and a megamind whan forehead and a high voice
gets girls
but is very fruits
yo kai gaze come buck me and mamzy on the backroad