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GBP Male

The "Gavin Brennan Pearse " Males are at the very top of the male socio-sexual hierarchy, Above the notorious sigma male.

A GBP male can be quoted as answering "don't know" to any question posed, A GBP male does not divulge personal information to those of lower socio-sexual standing Commonly stating "none" when asked about personal subjects.

A GBP is ALWAYS forklift certified.

A GBP must instigate 2-3 fights daily.
A GBP must ALWAYS have the blood of his enemies on his face.
A GBP is forbidden to wear a shirt with a collar properly

A GBP male Must always challenge any sigma nearby to a brawl to the death.
A6 GBP male doesn't need to lookmaxx, he is already peak male performance.
A GBP male does not shower to preserve their natural pheromones to attract men as women are of a lower social standing.

A GBP male may only reproduce with other GBP males through rough femchad furry sex

Im literally A GBP, I am Gavin Brennan Pearse

Did you hear that _____ is a GBP male, hes so hot

by OisínsLeftTestical October 9, 2023


The way somebody named Warren O'Doherty would would spell the word "phrase"

Warren: you wouldn't understand that fraze

Me: that's a Warren O' Doherty Moment

by OisínsLeftTestical July 2, 2022

Warren O' Doherty Moment

When someone says something so stupid they have to explain it and yet still nobody understands it, that's known as a "Warren O' doherty Moment"

Warren: you have a face like a lizard

Me: what?
Warren: your face looks like a lizard because of your eyes.
Me: what? God that's such a Warren O' Doherty Moment .

by OisínsLeftTestical July 1, 2022

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