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life's a crazy bag of marbles
one big, crazy bag of marbles
Blue marbles
red marbles
Half-transparent marbles with a fun swirl in them
Some marbles are even more interesting

Some marbles you think are going to be limited edition with king designs.
But then they're the equally limited, but much more surprising, "female" king marble.
Some argue that's debatably rarer.
I argue that's anxiety-inducing.
Some like to abduct smaller marbles.
Then you got to shoot that marble...
...'Cause its marble buddy brought a really big, black tentacle marble.
Marbles sure are random,
Especially when you force them into wheelchairs, Hold other marbles for ransom,
forge a magical pact with a marble that forces you to watch as they grovel in pain on the ground,
begging for the sweet release of marble death!
But you can't.
Because you signed a magical marble pact...
... and you can only watch... as its last marble breath... escapes... its marble... lips.

Did marbles hurt you?

No kiddo. I hurt me.
I also hurt marbles.
I feel worse about the marbles.

I hurt marbles

by Okurin July 25, 2020

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