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Meaning to love the smell of energy. Also known as doing lines of cocaine.

Hey girl, wanna do some schnoots tonight and make bad decisions?

by Old lady24 April 24, 2022

Clam powder

Clam powder

When slim does a clam powder off of and all around Jenny from the blocks va-jay and proceeds to smell the energy.

by Old lady24 July 29, 2022

Snake dust

When the lucky participant is able to snake dust off of slims snake. They will need to have a smoke and regroup.

Hey Jen this chick just came to snake dust me, you in?

by Old lady24 July 29, 2022


A stoingler is a spring loaded cock splinter.

Steve got stoinglered while on his vacation to weight watchers with his friend pumba

by Old lady24 December 22, 2022

Tire biter

Tire biter is a girl who chases after bikers,
They Often use an alias name of Skye.

Example: a puck bunny for bikers

That girl “Skye” is such a tire biter, she just wants to be a “bikers old lady”

by Old lady24 October 20, 2021


Means the opposite of prohibited.

Alcohol is hibited on my property.

Come over to party guys, you’re hibited to do whatever.

by Old lady24 May 8, 2024


When someone is to vomit and burp simultaneously. It is a vurp.

Cheryl drank too much vodka oranges and meant to burp but vomited in her mouth and swallowed it. This is called a vurp.

Ei; Cheryl and Jen vurped after too many vodkas.

by Old lady24 October 30, 2022