Source Code

Windows 11

A OS that requires you to be one of the 3 people that have TPM 2.0 and even if you do have it, it will either say "NO YOU DONT HAVE TPM 2" or run like a piece of shit.

Windows 11 in a nutshell:
- Man:Upgrades
- Computer:You need TPM 2.0. You will, however, keep getting updates to windows 10 , aka the trashiest os ever.
- Man:I got TPM 2.0 today, but windows still won't let me upgrade.>:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((

by Omskmapping July 9, 2021

13👍 6👎

Eastern Washington

120 degrees in the summer, -20 degrees in the winter. Everyone smokes fucking weed. Every day is 4/20. Literally empty except for one or two cities here and there and some stupid weed shops. Most people there are probably active on r/trees.

Q: Hey i wanna smoke weed legally where should I go?
A: EASTERN WASHINGTON IS THE PLACE- Oh yeah, it's empty there.

by Omskmapping July 7, 2022


matlda i s a angy bid that wite

Duh. This is clearly satire, you potato. I clearly wouldnt offend matilda like that, misspelling her name.

by Omskmapping August 10, 2022

Oak Harbor

America's Amsterdam, not only did the dutch settle here, half of Oak harbor's and Hollands' people smoke weed everyday, thinking they have 300 IQ but in reality they have ⅑.⁵⁵⁸ of that. The autism buses probably have yelling kids everyday (no offence lol) 💀

1. Hey i wanna go to oak harbor
2. Sry but everyone will either be yelling or smoke weed
1. Ok then how about i stick with my cute tókýó uwu

by Omskmapping July 7, 2022

Oak Harbor

A low-quality city in Washington, nothing to do, corporate playground. Other than English, most people either speak Tagalog, Spanish or UwU.

Please send me to oak harbor daddy UwU~

by Omskmapping November 19, 2022


S̶u̶C̶k̶ ̶t̶H̶e̶M̶ ̶n̶U̶t̶S̶ ̶!̶1̶!̶1̶!̶1̶1̶1̶!̶!̶1̶1̶!̶!̶ a short version of Social Democracy, a capitalist system in which the government provides social programs and monitors the economy

I'm a SocDem.
Cool... nv, Too Capitalist!

by Omskmapping September 11, 2022


A subreddit full of "ironic" bigotry in Roblox, which is just as bad as actual racism and homophobic.

1. Have you've heard about r/gocommitdie?

by Omskmapping July 7, 2022

7👍 2👎