A group of nasty dirty whores. Girls who think they're so cool because they knock people down with their mean words & walk all over them. Girls who think people like them, only in reality, NO ONE likes them, they don't even like themselves. Which is why they make fun of others, to make themselves feel better. They're sluts, they have sex with random guys & hook up with anything with a penis, & there's even Giblets that will hook up with things with vaginas! They speak Giblet-nese which are words like "mer" , "eee" , & "Tooie" just random stupid shit that makes no sense once so ever. They come up with weird names for eachother like "Tea" & "Pea." They're not very smart. They don't know how to spell very well. They're quite obnoxious. In the lunch room at school they'll try to get attention by throwing food at boys & screaming like they're something cute. They're not. They're two faced. They talk shit about eachother constantly. The best way to destroy these people, is to ignore them. If they lose all attention from making fun of other people, they'll start making fun of eachother, eventually they will end up with no one. & die. (: Doesn't that sound wonderful?
Example 1:
Boy one: Eww, her comes the fat Giblet!
Boy two: Moo!
Example 2:
*Giblets scream*
Girl two: I fucken hate them!
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