A child molester who volunteers to be a scoutmaster in the Boy Scouts.
Old Jack volunteered to be a scoutmaster to cruise for young boys. He organized many circle jerks. He was what is known as a chicken hawk.
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The act of purchasing a non refundable bus ticket and shipping a crazy person that the mental institution does not want across state lines into another mental institution's catchment area. They see to it he gets on the bus then they pray that he actually makes it out of state before he messes up again.
This is done so as not to mess the institutions statistics up. If he makes it across state lines he is counted as "cured" If he messes up across state lines he is somebody else's problem.
Problem mental patients cam mess up an institutions stats very badly in this era where everything must look good on paper. Some of the direct care workers may have a "Thank God and Greyhound He's Gone" party if he successfully gets across state lines. Unofficially of course.
Old Tim was a problem mental patient. He got tired of beating up on aides and nurses and decided to go for bigger game. So he went to the social worker and told her that her pussy stunk.
The social worker decided it was time for some Greyhound Therapy for Tim. Once Tim was gone she got a couple of the aides fired for allowing Tim to say such a thing to her.
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Monsters that sometimes appear as disembodied hands or hands that look look like they were cut off of someones arm.
Their favorite activity is to hide under a kids bed, then just as the kid is ready to drift off to sleep they sneak up under the bed covers and grab the kid by the foot. If the kid is not completely scared they will try dragging him out of bed. On other occasions they become invisible and pull the sheets off the kid when they are awake. This makes the shhets look like they are moving on their own.
it's the 1950's and little Johnnie screams out in the night.
Johnnies mom: What's the matter dear?"
Johnnie; The Clipcloppers and Cottas are grabbing my feet"
Johnnies mom; " Don't say that ever again or the police will come and lock you up in the lunatic Asylum for the rest of your life."
Conservative dog whistle term for a politician who is in the first stages of Alzheimer's
The elderly politician told his grankids about how he faced down a gangbanger named Corn Pop and bravely defeated him when in reality he'd pee'd his pants and said "Please Mr.Big Scary black man, don't hurt me!!!" Corn Pop took pity on him and only bitch slapped him a few times.
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A derogatory name for supporters of Donald Trump invented by people who went into debt for thousands of dollars for what turned out to be a fake college degree. They are angry at Trump and his followers for not bailing them out of their debt and providing them with a job.
It's not entirely their fault. In years gone by colleges were into actually educating people. In this era they are only interested in generating revenue for themselves. They are like used car salespeople. Tell any lie to get your maney.
The supposedly avant-garde educated elite loathe Trumpanzees.
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A word used by kids and adults years ago that seems to have fallen out of use but still used occasionally.
A word that a kid used when they hit their fingers accidentally with a hammer or was hurt suddenly in an unexpected way. They used this word in place of curse words like damn, damnit, or any other cuss word that comes to mind. Many times you'd get a whipping anyway for saying a word close to a curse word.
This was done because years ago adults did not want their kids to cuss. It did not matter if you came from a religious family or not. Sometimes the non-religious would whip you harder than a religious person would.
Kid 1. "Momma whipped me yesterday." "I still can't sit down too long."
Kid 2. "I am sorry!" "I still remember that one your mom gave me." "When I got home and told my mom about it she whipped me too." "I got a third when dad got off work." " By the way what happened this time????"
Kid 1. "A thunderstorm was coming." Mom told me to run the chickens back into their chicken house." "I got them all in except for the rooster, you know, the one that flogs us when our backs are turned."
Kid 2 " Yeah I know that....(Slaps hand over mouth aand looks around in fear)
Kid 1 "I got mad at that rooster." "I was already mad at him because he'd cut me with his spurs a few days ago when he flogged me." I was so mad I actually said "Dang old rooster"".
Kid 2. And your momma heard you?"
Kid 1. "You git that right." " You put your hand over your mouth earlier instead of saying a cuss word which means you probably thought a cuss word." Does your mom whip you for thinking cuss words too."
Kid 2 "Yes." "I can't wait until I grow up and cuss like daddy does."
Kid 1. " You ain't even safe then." "Momma heard dad say a bad word and told him he was acting like White Trash."
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A movement in California whose goal is to seceed from the USA nd maybe even take Oregon and the state of Washington along with them.
The goal is to create a social justice utopia. This issue may come up in California's 2019 election.
After Calexit , Billy Bob, California's only redneck, escaped across the border back into the USA while being pursued by a howling mob of Social Justice Warriors.
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