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Good band of the early 90's that is often mistaken as the creator of grunge. There are 2 things wrong with that statement:
1. Mother Love Bone originated the sound, although nobody knows about them because after their first record the lead singer O.D.'d on heroin or something(Temple of the Dog is a tribute project for him with Chris Cornell and MLB's surviving members, with help from Eddie Vedder). IMO, they were also a better band.
2. Nirvana aren't pure grunge. Their first cd Bleach was probably the closest to grunge they got, the rest were more alt-rock'ish
So to say they're the best grunge band ever is a false statement as they aren't really all grunge. Although they were good at what they did, it mainly wasn't grunge. Just because a band comes from Seattle, doesn't mean they're grunge.(there are other good bands from the "grunge" era that just never hit it big that had talent as well but they were overshadowed by Nirvana and, later, Pearl Jam(who are more grunge than Nirvana))

R.I.P. Kurt Cobain

"It's better to burn out than to fade away"

by OpenYourEyes December 31, 2005

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