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Okay, kiddos. Enough of this 'landwhale' bullshit. I'm about to tell you what REAL triggering is.

To be 'triggered' is NOT to be offended by something. It's actually quite different from that. To be triggered is to have a certain stimulus, be it a word, a place, a person etc, set off (or trigger) a memory linking back to a traumatic point in your life (i.e. rape, a local terrorist attack, or any sort of horrible event), resulting in negative effects like anxiety attacks (and that's just one of the many things that can come from being triggered. Trust me, it can get so much worse). It is NOT something to be treated lightly.

I'll conclude this with a rundown of tips for if you ever come across someone who can be triggered.

1: Do not make fun of them. Triggering is a serious issue which should be treated with care and respect.
2: Do not start calling them things like 'SJW' or 'Landwhale' or whatever other bullshit you might associate with triggering. It has nothing to do with that.
3: Do not, I repeat, do NOT (I repeat again, FUCKING DO NOT) attempt to trigger them. You should already know this, but I'm saying it anyway. DON'T TRY TO TRIGGER PEOPLE, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE. Don't even consider it. You can do some serious damage to a person's mental state if you do. You keep that in fucking mind.

Now, I'd appreciate some upvotes so we can get this ACTUAL definition of triggering to be the top definition, so no one has to see that disgustingly mean 'landwhale' definition again.

Janet was raped when she was a child. Years later, Brad, an internet troll, triggered her deliberately. Brad's a fucking asshole.

by OprahDollarsAreNotAThing September 4, 2016

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