Source Code

foreign language

Used to replace a noun, when you could not be any less clueless about this noun. You have no idea whatsoever how it works, behaves, functions, where it lives, and this list can go on infinitely.

Poor Cause He Dropped Out Male: Dang ur hot

Rich Female College Graduate With Long Hair, A Beautiful Face, Small Waist, Huge Titties And A Phat PHAT Booty: "Especially my boobs" (exposes breasts which have basic algebra signs tatooed on them)

Poor Cause He Dropped Out Male: "D4ts uhh 4n 14gw1dge" (foreign language)

Rich Female College Graduate With Long Hair, A Beautiful Face, Small Waist, Huge Titties And A Phat PHAT Booty: "Your not smart enough to deserve any of this, go back to school moron."

by Optical_Epilepsy March 23, 2011

13πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

foreign language

Used to replace a noun, when you could not be any less clueless about this noun. You have no idea whatsoever how it works, behaves, functions, where it lives, and this list can go on infinitely.

Male High School Dropout: Dang ur hot

Female College Graduate With Long Hair, A Beautiful Face Small Waist, Huge Titties, And A Phat PHAT Booty: "Especially my boobs" (exposes breasts which have basic algebra signs tatooed on them)

Male High School Dropout: "D4ts uhh 4n 14gw1dge" (foreign language)

Female College Graduate With Long Hair, A Beautiful Face Small Waist, Huge Titties, And A Phat PHAT Booty: "Your not smart enough to deserve any of this, go back to school moron."

by Optical_Epilepsy March 23, 2011

1πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Deflective racist

These are people who are racists, and when they argue, will try to change the subject or bring something else up whenever something is said against what they believe.

They do this because they know if they address the issue they will lose the argument

White supremacists will typically do this in a Youtube argument whenever the video depicts white against black behavior

Deflective racist

by Optical_Epilepsy July 20, 2010

8πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The act of jumping to conclusions so your right to complain is justified.

This tactic is typically involves deflective arguing and ignoring what the other person has to say.

People who use this tactic will also typically have very low respect for the person they are talking to, as well as having no sense of honor

Man: I wish women would stop being so selfish

Women: If your gay that's ok, nobody likes ugly, pathetic, desperate faggots anyway

Man: I'm so tired of women always conjumplaining

Women: If your gonna hit me, do it right now so I can beat you up, or file assault charges if you win the fight

Man: (censored for graphic violence)

by Optical_Epilepsy April 23, 2011


Attempting to make somebody look bad by assuming what they meant is negative or wrong

Jacob: I wish people would stop abusing welfare

Jesse: So your saying all people who use welfare automatically will abuse it?

Jacob: Obviously not Jesse... Stop assumptacking me...

Jesse: So then exactly what are you saying?

Jacob: (sighs) Fine I'll repeat myself: I wish people would stop abusing welfare

Jesse: Oh so just because there poor and need welfare means they want to make other people suffer right?

Narrator: Jesse thinks he is making a point by being very assumptive and jumping to conclusions. He's really just being a douchebag and trying to make Jacob feel bad for his opinion. He better hope Jacob thinks carefully and doesn't reach for the knife...

by Optical_Epilepsy April 24, 2011


Reading a text, email, or any other type of online message and deleting it without replying

This means that you obviously don't want to have any type of communication with who/whatever sent you the message.

If you question whether somebody is readeleting your messages, stick to the 24 hour reply rule and the 7 day reply rule

Steve: I sent this bitch 15 messages over the last 2 weeks and she ain't replying....

Dan: She's giving your messages the good old readelete, just let it go man

by Optical_Epilepsy September 3, 2010

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The people we hate when we are breaking the law, but the people we love when the wrong people go crazy.

I hate cops when I get pulled over, but love cops when im at the mall and some crazy guy is killing people with an AK-47

by Optical_Epilepsy April 22, 2011

37πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž