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Used to describe the entire event, including the action that sparked those to wish to leave a location, and that of the action of the inhabitants leaving said location, of an area being desolated or becoming devoid of life.

Elaboration of the Definition (Examples):
"the action that sparked...":

"the action of the inhabitants leaving...": The citizens of the city evacuated in horror when news spread about the explosives.

A Desolance can have many Desolances within (Called Subdesolances), as long as they are restricted to describing short periods of time where each had a new problem arise.

Example of the Main Desolance:
The Desolance of America caused by a great link of explosives, spanning the country, demolishing city after city, state after state, until everyone who hadn't evacuated, were turned into ash and dust.

Example of the Subdesolance:
A massive pothole in the road lead to people finding mass amounts of dormant explosives dwelling beneath their city, which was later found to span the entire state. When news spread about the explosives, citizens began evacuating the state.

by Orchidarch September 7, 2020


Used to describe the entire event, including the action that sparked those to wish to leave a location, and that of the action of the inhabitants leaving said location, of an area being desolated or becoming devoid of life.

A Desolance can have multiple Desolances within (Called Subdesolances), as long as they are restricted to describing short periods of time where each had a new problem arise.

Example of the Main Desolance:
The Desolance of America caused by a great link of explosives, spanning the country, demolishing city after city, state after state, until everyone who hadn't evacuated, were turned into ash and dust.

Example of the Subdesolance:
A massive pothole in the road lead to people finding mass amounts of dormant explosives dwelling beneath their city, which was later found to span the entire state. When news spread about the explosives, citizens began evacuating the state.

by Orchidarch September 7, 2020